“Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would never have been able to know the joy you have brought into my life if Camp Boggy Creek hadn’t been free. The people who sponsor this camp give children like me the best times of their lives. You are truly angels on earth.”
John, Camper
“Camp Boggy Creek made my child forget his condition and remember what it’s like to have fun.”
Susan, Camper
“Camp Boggy Creek is pure magic. We can all leave our sickness and disabilities behind and just be kids.”
Michael, Camper
“I remember when I was going through chemo and I was at Camp Boggy Creek. I felt like a normal kid. I could take my bandana off and not worry about people staring at me.”
Tina, Camper
Dear Supporters of the Chiera Family Foundation,
Words cannot even begin to describe how lucky I am to have met this family. They adopted me and my family instantly and we have been close ever since. I began attending the Chiera Golf Classic when I was 8 years old shortly after I had been to camp for my first time. I was not able to understand fully what this foundation and these passionate, loving people were doing. As I got to go to camp time and time again and build memories that will last me a lifetime, I began to realize that without the Chiera Family Foundation none of that would be possible.
I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia when I was 6 years old. Between my single mom and my aunt, they made sure I was taken care of and got everything that I needed to fight my cancer and get better. None of us could have ever imagined where all that would lead us later in our lives. I am now 23 years old, a college graduate, a graduate student studying Social Work and a Family Advocate for the Pediatric Oncology Support Team, Inc in West Palm Beach, Fl. I get to work with children who have cancer and their families every day.
The Chiera Family Foundation has helped me go to college through scholarships, supported me along the way and even been a smiling face when I was having a rough day. I cannot explain what these people mean to me in words because there are no words. They truly adopted me and have helped me through every moment of my life. I am forever thankful and greatful for them and for you, who have been supporting them for over 20 years.
The Chiera family is part of my family and I could not imagine it any other way. Thank you for all that you do.
Forever Greatful,
Megan Hamerdinger
The Chiera family helps children achieve their ultimate dreams. For me personally, the foundation provided a scholarship to attend the University of Miami. More importantly, against all odds, I GRADUATED from the University of Miami. Thank you Chiera Family Foundation for helping ME achieve my ultimate dream!
Scott McNeil